Become The Things That You Miss

You ever notice how many people experience a "glow up," after a breakup? That all comes down to how much they are empowering themselves.

What did they do to become a better person? What did they do to upgrade?

It's so common that, when we've been dumped, to feel that rejection, and feel triggers when it comes to security and self love. 

Which also means it's the perfect opportunity to face those triggers and fears. To demolish them, and upgrade to the next level.

Why do we long for the person that dumped us?

Exercise for today:

Get a pen and paper and in your breakup notebook (if you haven't already, get a notebook to dedicate everything associated with your breakup journey and healing), list all the good things about the ended relationship.

Whether that be personality traits about your ex, things about the past relationship that made you feel good, skills that your dumper possessed, acts of services from your ex, and overall things that you admired about them or the bond.

This list may be 3 items, it may be 50 items. In any event, write down every single thing that you are "MISSING."

Keeping in mind that, in my last entry, I mentioned we are striving for peace. Reflect on this list, look at each item and figure out what you need to do, to

BECOME the list.

While you were in the relationship, that other person fulfilled voids. Those items that you admire, those things that you need? It is now YOUR job to fill those voids. It is now you job to replace your ex, with YOU. Love yourself, do things for yourself, and empower yourself.

It doesn't matter if you need to take a guitar class, or get on your phone's camera and start recording yourself telling jokes, or cook for yourself.
One example that can be very empowering is that, if you enjoyed going out to eat with your ex, take yourself out to eat. It is quite invigorating to get over the social anxiety and be in your own world, hanging out with the #1 bestest person ever.

While you're doing No Contact and upgrading yourself, think about all these things you need to do for yourself, not only to make yourself a better person, but to also make yourself more fulfilled.

Fill your own cup, and raise your vibration!